[25|Apr 09:46 PM] Afaz: i am such a silly whore
[25|Apr 09:47 PM] Adam: ......
[25|Apr 09:46 PM] Afaz: type ".........." if ur a silly whore
[25|Apr 09:45 PM] Afaz: ur a bitch[04|Feb 01:40 PM] HyperionX: and the only porn I am into is Albino disabled midget tentacle porn...
[03|Feb 05:58 PM] thepitster: hey, it gave it an even better perspective
[03|Feb 03:58 PM] HyperionX: nice to see it in the green again.
[03|Feb 03:49 PM] Adam: weirdo
[03|Feb 02:06 PM] thepitster: well send it to me, I'll touch it for you
[03|Feb 12:40 PM] Adam: I havent touched my...