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Author Topic: ASCII!  (Read 12362 times)

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Offline thepitster

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« on: October 14, 2018, 11:42:38 AM »

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Offline Afaz

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« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2018, 05:03:52 PM »
lol fanncy... on saturdays when i have to work 5 out of the year anywho, i usually come up with the filthiest ascii images or words i can create and skype message them to other co workers... sometimes we go 25-30 minutes without a call.. rare but happens cause everyone thinks we are closed on the weekends and we can only take calls, cannot call out... corp cant do anything about it cause A. they dont watch our chats but i am positive they have a bot that checks for keywords or phrases(as per my guy at the help desk has informed me) B. There is no way a skype for business monitoring bot used by Amica can distinguish a word like COCK, TITTIEBALLS or FUCK..etc when written in any form of ascii format. I am sure they( more tech advanced companies) have ones that can decipher ascii but Amica wouldn't invest that kind of money, they get the cheapest of the cheapest software they can get. But that made me laugh cause it reminded me of a ascii text image i sent my buddy this past saturday of mickey sucking off minnie LOL... i had my buddy laughing so hard i could hear him across the office. Twas good shizzle. nice post sir nice post ill have to look where i found that one.
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